Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A friend shared this video with me and I thought I should pass it along. Though I am not fluent in Spanish, by any means, this is a beautiful video. I would like to make one comment, one which has also been mentioned by the authors of this video: "Colecho, dormir en compañía de un ser amado ... no duerman con su bebé si fuman, toman alcohol, tranquilizantes o son hiper-obesos." In other words, if you smoke, drink, or use any types drugs (including over the counter or prescribed medications, recreational drugs, or anything that alters your mental state or makes you sleepy), or if you are overweight it is advised that you DO NOT co-sleep with your baby or child. When co-sleeping the risk of suffocation for your baby or child is greatly increased. However, it is also felt that co-sleeping is a great way to bond with your child. So the key here: be responsible. If you do co-sleep, BE SAFE. I will look into resources for affordable "baby-beds," wedges, bed guards, and other co-sleeping products and websites that reduce the the risk risk of accidental suffocation. However is should be noted, that most pediatricians advise against co-sleeping. Well, I hope I have not squashed the beauty of this film to badly...

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